The "climate titanic" remains unperturbed on its collision course
19. January 2025
There are good reasons for politicians to try to duck the issue of climate protection - they cannot solve the climate catastrophe with their own means (any more). Although CO2 emissions in Germany fell by around 3% in 2024, this was not least due to the weakness of our economy. However, Germany currently has zero chance of meeting its climate targets for 2030 or even 2045. The situation is not much different in Europe and large parts of the world. This is also confirmed by the IPCC.
The cause of the climate crisis? We have a distribution and acceptance problem!
13. January 2025
The vast majority of disputes are based on selfish distribution conflicts - on a geopolitical level as well as on a small scale. The climate crisis is no exception. Here, too, it is ultimately about a conflict concerning ecologically justifiable and scientifically required maximum emission volumes. Countries that are most affected by the effects of climate change, but have historically contributed the least to it, are calling ever more loudly for climate justice - and rightly so.

EU Green Deal - the "man on the moon moment"?
31. December 2024
... or have we perhaps simply misunderstood the moon-thing In recent years, the EU has passed ambitious laws to make Europe climate-neutral by the middle of the century, meaning that no more climate-damaging gases are emitted than are saved through reforestation or CO2 storage. Just last year, MEPs in Strasbourg voted, among other things, to tighten emissions trading. This is considered the most important instrument of the European climate protection program.
Why climate policy instruments should be decoupled from the monetary system
02. November 2024
The current climate policy has failed. Although there has been some success, but far too small. There is no indication that the chosen measures could soon lead to a change. This is confirmed by the IPCC as well as the current UN climate report and the German Expert Council on Climate Change.

EU ETS and CO₂ tax - why politicians are stubbornly trying to ride an already half-dead horse to an increasingly unattainable climate target
20. April 2024
The current situation: worrying In recent years, the debate on climate change has evolved from a question of scientific knowledge to a central political issue. Nevertheless, we are still a long way from the emissions reduction pathway agreed under international law. We do not have a knowledge problem, we have a massive implementation problem, because one climate target after another is being missed.
The vicious circle of climate politics
19. April 2024
Why the current system does not respond to the crisis quickly and effectively: Politicians still emphasize what has already been done for climate protection while on the other hand science and environmental associations alarm that these measures are "too little and too late". We have taken a closer look at the phenomenon and compiled the structural facts for the insufficient action in the current system.

Climate Policy - a task that is tantamount to squaring the circle!
01. April 2024
Climate policy - a task that is tantamount to squaring the circle! Many people want effective climate protection. But the truth is that people want prices not to rise even more. Anyone who believes that the transformation required to defossilize our economy can take place without any effort or costs is lying to themselves. The costs necessary for the transformation will of course be passed on by the industry to the products and to us end consumers.
The tragedy of the commons
30. March 2024
Are you familiar with the term commons? "The commons (also the communal land or communal property) is a part of the communal assets (land, water, forest) that may be used as common property by the entire population" (source: Wikipedia).

A complementary climate currency as an emergent economic system
10. March 2024
... to reliably achieve a coordinated emissions reduction trajectory. Emergent systems are characterized by the emergence of new properties in a complex system as a result of the interaction of its elements. Emergence arises on the basis of spontaneous self-organization, as can be observed in schools of fish or flocks of birds, for example.
Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologie
01. March 2024
... within an accompanying Personal Carbon Trading System. The need to actively remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is becoming increasingly important in the scientific debate. There now seems to be a consensus that reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone is no longer enough to achieve the climate target. "CCS technology can be used to capture and store emissions that are difficult or impossible to avoid." (R. Habeck German Vice Chancellor)

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